PowerPoint Presentations

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Corporate Overview OZ Optics Limited - CP08 2023-08
Corporate Overview OZ Optics Limited Turkey - CP024 2023-09
Corporate Overview OZ Optics Limited China 2022-12
Corporate Overview OZ Optics Limited China - Chinese Version (中文) 2016-05
Corporate Overview Fiber Optic Sensors 2023-01
Corporate Overview Fiber Optic Sensors - Chinese Version (中文) 2016-11
Corporate Overview for the Defense Industry - CP031 2023-10
Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensing in Public Utilities 2023-01
Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensing in Public Utilities - Russian Version 2023-01
Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensor - CP17 2023-08
Distributed Temperature Sensing - Proof of Concept of Distributed Temperature Sensing using Fiber Optic Sensing in Power Generators 2017-08
Fiber Optic Attenuators - CP09 2023-08
Fiber Optic Components for Biophotonics Applications - CP34 2023-08
Fiber Optic Components for Optoelectronic Packaging - CP10 2023-08
Fiber Optic Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensors (DSTS) - Chinese Version (中文) 2018-06
Fiber Optic Products for Gyroscope Applications - CP35 2023-09
Fiber Optic Test Equipment 2022-10
High Power Fiber Optic Components - CP20 2023-08
Laser & Laser Diode to Fiber Delivery Components - CP11 2023-08
Pipeline Corrosion Monitoring by Fiber Optic Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensors (DSTS) 2023-01
Pipeline Corrosion Monitoring by Fiber Optic Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensors (DSTS) - Russian Version 2023-01
Polarization Maintaining Components 2022-10
Solutions for OCT Systems - CP32 2023-08
BSI Certificate of Registration Canada BSI Certificate of Registration China BSI Certificate of Registration Turkey